Thursday, March 03, 2005

Everyday Matters favourite mug challenge

EDM favourite mug
Originally uploaded by ukmaggie45.
I got up rather earlier than usual today, so set forth on a hunt for the missing oil pastels. Once I'd fought my way across the floor of my so-called work room, I found them in a set of cardboard drawers. Along with a load of other drawing items. So I loaded everything into a rectangular rush basket and took them to the living room. Drank my coffee while it was still hot and began to draw.

I might even draw my bag later, but I think I'd better try and do some more work on my Disability Living Allowance application first. My DLA finishes on 25 April, and I should really have got further on with filling in the horribly long and complicated form by now.

Every time this form rears its ugly head I get that sinking feeling. Usually I try to maintain a positive attitude to my life and how disabled I have become. But that is impossible with this intrusive and complicated form. And how much you have to repeat youself!

I have ME/CFS, and this form isn't designed for fluctuating conditions like that. Mind you my fluctuation seems to be a downward slide at the moment. I visited my GP some time in January, since it is around 5 years since I saw her. When I told her how dizzy I was feeling she told me to get an eye test (cost £22 and found nothing new). Must get back to her and see if she can suggest something else, preferably before the dreaded form goes off.

But it's very difficult to get an appointment - she only works one day a week at the practise. And John isn't really able to take time off work at the moment and I can't get to the doc's without being driven - I'm not driving myself at the moment as my back is too fragile (I have spondylolisthesis L5/S1 as well as ME). Oh yeah, I'm due a chiropracter appointment for that too.


oldgreypoet said...

Super mug!

Good luck with the DLA form, Maggie. And with the condition, too. They really have you all ways on ME/CFS -- you have to keep on pushing the BA and that uses up all the reserves of energy left to you. My sympathies...:)

oldgreypoet said...

Super mug!

Good luck with the DLA form, Maggie. And with the condition, too. They really have you all ways on ME/CFS -- you have to keep on pushing the BA and that uses up all the reserves of energy left to you. My sympathies...:)

Linda said...

Maggie -- great mug! I love that you did it in oil pastel. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Maggie - great to be in touch, but I didn't know you had M.E. like my wife! She got rejected for DLA because she could walk to the car. You really have to lay it on thick. I wish you every success - it is so important to get some financial assistance and it has pained us greatly not to be approved when Margaret has been unable to work for years and years.

Karen Winters said...

Very bright and cheerful!

Shelly McC said...

Great mug Maggie. I always have trouble with oil pastels but you have done a sterling job with them. great work.
Shelly from EDM