Saturday, June 04, 2005

Trees against a thundery sky
Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I said how much I like this on your flickr page, but didn't want this one to go uncommented on. The dark storm combined with the light on the tree is beautiful and so well done. Would have liked to have been there to see it with you ;D.
Thank you for your comment about DG's mention.
All the best from sunny and clear (but humid) North Carolina

Anonymous said...

Hi, Maggie! I really love the intensity in your colors-- I wasn't there, but I bet you caught the colors against the dark sky better than you think you may have. I like the feeling this piece has-- so vivid.

Anonymous said...

Let me echo the other voices... I can FEEL the weather in this picture. Wonderful.

I love the views you've been photographing of your garden from above - it looks so lush and well-tended and inviting. Thanks for sharing them with us.