Monday, June 28, 2010

Got lost for a while

Sorry been missing for so long, had immense problems logging in and have been too tired from gardening to spend the time sorting it out.

The roses in the garden have been wonderful, despite the hacking back they got in the winter.

Roses by the arch

Potatoes are mainly flowering now. We did dig up one of the First Earlies (Lady Crystl) but despite delving deep we only found 2 spuds. But the garlic is good, and we've had our first meal from the garden.

First garlic

First garlic

First produce from the garden

First produce from garden

First meal from the garden

First meal from the garden

The twins are 7 weeks old today, and growing fast. We spent the afternoon with them yesterday, were totally shattered afterwards!

So we went back to the new house and chilled out with the living room window open for a while. Suddenly a fox sauntered across the lawn... He looked me straight in the eye, then kind of shrugged his shoulders, and continued his saunter up the central path, and presumably across next door garden and into the others along the road. Grey of muzzle, and quite a lot of grey on his coat too. Neighbour had already said she thought he was an elderly fox.